How to add article Attachments in Joomla?

In order to add article attachments in Joomla hosting, here are the steps given below:

  1. Login to your Joomla admin panel and select the Extensions menu item and go to Extension Manager.
  2. Click Browse button to select the extension you wish to install.
  3. Then click the upload and install button.
  4. After installation, select the content menu item and then go to Media Manager.
  5. Scroll to the right and select the options button.
  6. Select the Legal Extensions field and enter for remove any additional file types. Separate each file by a coma.
  7. Now select save and close button.
  8. Go to components Menu item and then down to Attachments and over to add new attachment.
  9. Click select article and click the article title you desire to select.
  10. Select browse button to choose a file attachment.
  11. Select description and make the attachment published, and make Access published.
  12. Then click select Save and Close.  


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