Buy hosting with CashU

Buy Hosting with CashU

Hiring quality hosting service is a big challenge for many. If you have invested to buy a domain name, then the time has come to go for the hosting service. But when you are hiring a hosting service, you also need to look for the other advantages like customer support service. If this is not offered by the hosting service, then there is no mean to go for it. Well, we are concerned about this fact and now to make things easier for our clients we have added the best customer support service that operates 24/7. Apart from this we also allow our clients from Arabic speaking regions to buy hosting with CashU. At these regions, such payment option is considered as the safest and quickest one. While using this you can send us payment for the hosting service without disclosing your nationality, banking details and income. It’s really safe and fast.

Shared web servers: These are servers, which are accessible on the rent as well as are shared amongst different users. It is the midway pack between dedicated and free server. You also pay the rent according to space that you get, however problem is with varying speeds. Bandwidth that you will get is also dependent on number of the active users at given period of time.

Dedicated web servers: These are the personal servers in way. Server is been dedicated to company and it is on you how many websites that you would like to host on. This is one preferred selection for the large companies that have the multiple websites. Cost of the dedicated servers are very high, thus some of the people opt for the shared servers in place of the dedicated ones. This gives you a lot of functionality and flexibility.

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