How to use the Category Manager in Joomla?

Do you know how to use the Category Manager in Joomla? If no, then here are the steps given below:

  1. First, login to your Joomla hosting admin panel.
  2. Joomla uses categories and Subcategories to organize articles.
  3. Select the ‘Content’ menu with your mouse click.
  4. Then click on Category Manager. Here you can publish, modify, delete, create and unpublish categories.
  5. Choose the Joomla category checkbox to illustrate Publish and Unpublish.
  6. Once the category or subcategory is clicked then click on the unpublish button.
  7. To change the publishing status of a category you may optionally click on the Status icon for that category.
  8. To modify a category, click on the category title. Selecting the Parent dropdown will determine if the category is a subcategory or a top level category.
  9. Then click Save and Close.

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