How to create a Search Module in Joomla?

To create a search module in Joomla hosting, here are the steps given below:

  1. First, login to your Joomla admin cPanel.
  2. Then select the Extension menu option and click Module Manager.
  3. The click on New button, to create a new module.
  4. Click on Search, enter title for the module by typing search.
  5. Select template position, click on the Select Position button.
  6. Select the appropriate template position from the list.
  7. Click Yes to add a Search button.
  8. Select any other options required by your search module on the left.
  9. Enter text for the search button you want to display.
  10. Now scroll to select where you wish this module to be displayed.
  11. Select show on all pages.
  12. Now click Save and Close.

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