How to install and manage cPanel Addons in WHM

How to install and manage cPanel Addons in WHM?

There are number of addon scripts for cPanel that can be enabled in WHM. If you have ever heard of Fantastico, this has a similar but more limited functionality, with a smaller section of scripts.

  1. Go the cPanel section of the menu.
  2. Click install cPAddons button. You will get a list of addon scripts, separated by category.
  3. Click the checkbox next to the script you’d like to install. For example install phpBB3 and also Wordpress option too. And phpwiki too.
  4. Scroll down, you will get add and remove additional third-party addon vendors there, if you wish.
  5. Scroll up, to save by clicking Update Addon Config.
  6. Click the back link to return.
  7. Now you have some addons installed, you can manage theme by clicking Manage cPAddons.
  8. Click the checkmark next to an addon to enable moderation for that particular script. Then click update moderation.
  9. Click the link to approve or deny the request. Enter a reply if you want. Now either click install or deny button, as per your need. Click Manage cPAddons to reload the page.



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