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Protect yourself from spammers and scammers

Without ID Protection (WHOIS Privacy), spammers can obtain your email and contact information and use it for spamming purposes and redistribution to marketing companies. Your email address can stay on file with various spammers and marketing companies for years. Check out the difference between an unprotected and protected domain name registration.

Please note the following rules from ICANN

ICANN Registrant Rights and Responsibilities

Domain names options

  • Powerful Domain Name Control Panel Domain name control panel offers registration of DNS servers, change of DNS records and WHOIS contact details for all your domains.
  • ID Protection (WHOIS Privacy) WHOIS Privacy - contact information for the domain is replaced to protect your identity.
  • Domain/Email Redirection With all domain names you have an option to redirect the domain name and email addresses.
* Minimum sign up periods for cPanel Web Hosting plans: Mini - 3mo., Pro - 1mo., Biz - 1mo., cPanel Reseller Hosting, Linux VPS, Windows VPS, Managed cPanel VPS and Dedicated Servers - 1mo. secret link
Accepted payments: Credit/Debit Card, Paypal, Payza, Skrill, WebMoney, CashU, Ukash, paysafecard, Bitcoin, Perfect Money, SolidTrust Pay, OKPay, EgoPay, Western Union/MG, Wire Transfer and more.